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tv   The Young Turks With Cenk Uygur  Current  March 4, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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little testy. so to patch up this delicate situation america turns to an expert ambassador and all-around ever man dennis rodman shown here wearing a wedding dress at a bookstore. how did north korea respond? they made him sit down with this teenage extra from fast and furious. that is their leader. and they have nuclear weapons? neat. ♪ >> the two sat down and watched a basketball game. and it should be added that according to dead spin the rules for basketball in north korea are different. for example, dunks are worth three points. things we call three pointers are worth four points and if you score a basket within the last three seconds of the game you get eight points also there is the unwritten rule that anyone
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who disagrees will be imprisoned and tortured. bens any rodman shout down with george sound you make when you neez. >> he lost power -- and stuff like that -- but he just -- he's just a great guy. >> a great guy. rodman doesn't think all human right's abusers are great people. i'm done talk now. ♪ >> michael: brett you get three points for that drunk. someone is always in our "war room," check us out on line at that's also where you can link up to our twitter and facebook page and check out our exclusive web extras. the tie goes now but i stay because i'm hosting "the young turks" right now. have a great right. kwlooir blooifrn
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> michael: welcome to "the young turks." we have a fantastic show planned for you from san francisco. mitt romney had finally speaks. he goes on television, and like jimmy cracking corn, i don't care. i look at what is going on now and it kills me not to be there. not to be in the white house doing what needs to be done. >> michael: are they going to stop nark, nark on heaven's door. >> obama: it doesn't make sense to focus on recreational drug use. >> michael: and then it franken fish. they're making a jurassic fish, an enormous fish. a fish that could literally eat
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pittsburgh. >> shades of jurassic park, this is a real life fresh water farm altering the genes not of dinosaurs, but instead growing a dna-altered saltwater fish. >> michael: ladies and gentlemen, it's "the young turks," it's monday, and it's go time. [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> michael: you know watching this weekend. it's incredible, just as if mitt romney just doesn't get it. it's been months and moss, and he has had so much time to think about it, and so many months to be graceful, which he has not been at all. this is mitt romney talking shock of shock, to fox news. i looks at what is happening right now and it kills me not to be there not to be in the
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white house doing what needs to be done. the president is the leader of the nation. the president brings people together. does the deals does the trades, knocks the heads together. the president leads, and i don't see that kind of leadership happening. >> michael: yeah, because if you were there mitt, there would be leadership dripping out of the white house, no problems at all. i think people are still looking at the romneys and they're grateful that they're not in the white house the majority, minus the 47% of the rest of them. to help break this down, to help talk about mitt romney is our friend and current correspondent correspondent, david shuster. >> great to be with the current primetime known as the michael shure news blocks. >> michael: i'm glad to have you in here for a little relief, but we're having a good time. i almost had forgotten about him, mitt. what is his purpose, is it to rehab his own image or to help
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the republicans which i don't know if they would want his help. >> i think he's starved for attention. the easiest way to do that is to still prove that you don't know basic math. there is mitt romney saying, i thought we would win ohio. he won this race 320 electoral votes to 206. if he had won ohio, if he had won virginia, if he had won florida, he still would have lost. he can't add basic math. >> michael: it's not like this was even close. he speaks about it as if he just miss. the lack of grace and the lack of saying, you know what, the country selected barack obama, and we move forward there is almost a bitterness. it speaks to the entitlement and you and others and i, cenk, we spoke about all campaign long. this guy felt like he deserved the presidency, didn't get it,
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and he's still whining about it. >> and his wife is still whining about the media. the thing that is disappointing about this. they can blame other people but at some point they have to recognize that 3.5 million americans voted for barack obama. mitt romney's approval ratings were fine. it's his policies were not liked. they can say the media caricatured him, whatever they want to believe but at the end of the day by election day the americans had a very clear choice of what policies they wanted this country to pursue, and they decided not to pursue the policies of mitt romney. the fact that they can't understand that, and they're whining and blaming other people, whoa woe is me. you think of the alternative wow, i'm glad that guy lost. >> michael: you talk about blaming other people. it's not just mitt, his wife ann went on to blame ann blames the
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media. >> i'm happy to blame the media. >> do you think the media was in the tank for barack obama? >> i think that any time you're running for office you always think that you're being portrayed unfairly. and we, of course, on our side believe there is more bias in favor of the other side. i think that a pretty universal universally felt opinion. >> michael: yeah, david, speak to that. >> well, i think ann romney is just, by most accounts, by the accounts of a lot of people who saw this interview she's being delusional. you look at fox news, the most partisan media of all. they were totally in the tank for mitt romney. you had republican pundits claimed that mitt romney was going to win by a landslide and there is nothing more you can do to get people at the polls than
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to portray him as the winner. they claim it's the media's fault. if the media had-nicer that he wouldn't have been nicer. it shows our out of touch they are when it comes to the american landscape. it's not about the media. it's not about other people. it's about them and their policies that were soundly rejected. >> michael: god bless them, i think it will make everyone happy to have that be the case. whether you're biased or not probably feels that the 47% issue was a big problem for mitt romney no matter what. here's the former governor, former candidate talking about that. >> it was a very unfortunate statement that i made. it's not what i meant. i didn't express myself as i wished i would have. you know, when you speak in private, you don't spend as much time thinking about how something could be twisted and distorted and could come out wrong, and be used, but you
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know i did and it was very harmful. what i said is not what i believe. obviously, my whole campaign, my whole life has been devoted to helping people, all the people. >> michael: what i said is not what i believe, like healthcare, i guess. >> he was speaking to a group of millionaires in south of florida, and he was trying to say stuff that they would like to hear. it doesn't matter what he really believes. that's the leadership he wanted us to have in the white house? it took him ten days before he would finally renounce those comments. he didn't immediately say oh, my god, i made a terrible mistake i'm sorry. first he didn't address it. then he hemmed a hawed, and then he only has himself to blame. he was the one, by the way he handled it, that kept this thing going. >> michael: that's a great point. there was that lag time of what happened, when he talked about it, and that was totally inappropriate. he's complaining about something that he says in private.
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he's running for president. he's speaking to a room full of people. there is no privacy mr. candidate, when that happens. let's talk about something that romney admits is a problem for his campaign, and then citizen silly things about it. such as minority outreach. here is chris wallace talking about that. >> romney: the weakness that my campaign has was not taking the message to the minority voters hispanic americans, africa african-americans other minorities, that was a real weakness. >> why do you think that was? >> i think the obama-care attractiveness and feature was something we under estimated particularly among lower incomes, and we just didn't do as good a job at connecting with the audience as we should have. >> michael: so self-deportation was not a problem?
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>> his policy even after the election far to the right of many conservative members of congress. he still does not support path towards amnesty. sure maybe obama-care helped president obama and the democrats to reach out to but at the same time, mitt romney's policies turned a lot of people off. and it's as if mitt romney is entitled not to have anything stick to him even his own policies that people liked. that was so baffling. >> michael: that's what made it problematic as a candidate. he wanted to choose what would and would not stick. you can't do that when you're running for city council, you can't do that, no less president of the united states. i think that was a real real--something that happened to romney that he didn't know how to get out of as a candidate.
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it shocked me that it didn't hurt him now. now what happens after the primaries. where does he go? >> hopefully he'll eventually disappear. it's not great fun to see a losing candidate that is still clearly wounded. it's an awkward thing to watch. clearly the guy is upset hurt. maybe he should get some help or psycho therapy or whatever it is that will make him feel better, but i think he needs to get away from the political spotlight and do some positive things like ann romney was talking about they've got a lot of charities they're involved in, and working for the greater good. those are great projects for them to lend their name recognition to. but as far as talking about politics and talking about what might have been, they don't serve themselves, they don't serve the republican party to continue to do these interviews, and hopefully this is the last one. >> michael: hopefully this is the first of many with david schuster back on current.
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we'll see you later. >> thank you. >> michael: when we come back we want to talk about some of the new laws about marijuana and colorado specifically. is there a new sheriff in town? >> do you think that marijuana should be legalized? >> i wouldn't go that far. >> let denver serve as a beacon of hope for those who know and want to know what true treatment is all about. compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? [ cheering ] >> we are--we are happy in colorado 37. we've taken a step forward and wave' sent a message around the world. >> michael: that was back in november when colorado legalized marijuana, so, too, did washington. and now the obama administration trying to figure out what they're going to do about the
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law having changed there. it puts the federal government in an odd place. states have voted one way. the federal government trying to figure out how to work arounder around that. many have acknowledged that the country is in a serious conversation about marijuana. the president, you remember, went on to--spoke with barbara walters and had this to say. >> do you think that marijuana should be legalized? >> i wouldn't go that far but i think at this point washington and colorado, you've seen the voters speak on this issue. as it is, the federal government has a lot to do when it comes to criminal prosecutions. it does not sense from a prioritization point of view for us to focus on recreational drug users in a state that has already said that under state law that is legal.
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>> michael: that confusion puts to light by "huffington post" in a poll they have there that say 51% of adults should be exempt from federal drug laws, and 30% say those laws should be enforced in colorado. it becomes for the justice department an issue how if the state says one thing the federal department should do something especially. you've see in that poll a little less than 2-1, that state laws should rise above them. which states are ready to follow washington and colorado's lead? the states that are next would be alaska, oregon, massachusetts massachusetts, imagine, cal, roadmaine, calrhode island california
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nevada. texas an new jersey want to tax and regulation and new hampshire has three bills for this year. we have chris moody and brian vicene chris, how big of a conundrum is this for the president. >> this is new uncharted territory. the federal government has to find a way to react. the good news is for advocates of bills like this, and laws like this, the justice department has been very open to having a conversation with the governments of washington and colorado. even after president obama's inauguration reception they
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talked about marijuana at the reception. they're looking for solutions here and eric holter said they're very close to announcing a policy. we're in no man's land. we don't know how the justice department is going to be reacting. we're anxious to see what is going to happen here. >> michael: when you hear that, and i apologize for messing your name up there, but brian, when you hear that, i want to ask you, as a coloradoan, someone who makes their livelihood off this legalization, to a degree how do you feel? do you understand that the federal government has a role to play here, but at the same time i know what you want, the would youen state's rights and state's laws to win the day there. how do you think the federal government should approach this? >> sure, i just want to make clear i'm the author of the amendment and an attorney. i don't own a club or have
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anything to do with the legalization of marijuana but i ran the campaign. i'm deeply involved. we believe that the federal government has a role, but at the same time we're seeing from colorado and washington state is a movement from the failed policy of marijuana prohibition. we don't want our tax dollars wasted in arresting and jailing people for these crimes. those who are 21 or older, who are possessing this substance that is less harmful than alcohol. >> michael: there is a way to look at this and say look, if our citizens want marijuana legalization, we see the federal government back on their heels is there an element that wants to see the federal government back on their heels, they want the policy from the federal government? >> the actions that eric holter
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sets in the next weeks or months will encourage or discourage in the states. it sounds like he's trying to work with these states to find some kind of solution. the ones that eric holter talked about with hickenlooper was enforcing the law changing regulations or change the law. the reason why they're in a hard place right now is because congress has laws on the books and they have to find ways to enforce them. they have to balance the state laws that are contradicting them. >> michael: let's take a look at some of those laws, brian. i think it will make your argument pretty clear about why you even created this amendment. in 2011 pot arrests these stats come from policing pot, 2011 marijuana-related arrests. 750,000 people were arrested. 50% of all drug crimes, and 87% of that 7.
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50 were arrested for possession alone, that's according to the fbi. when you see this, i'm sure it's one of the reasons why you put forward this amendment. is that--do those numbers support the idea that, hey, we have to totally rethink on a national basis not just a state basis, our laws about marijuana. >> yes, they absolutely do. 55% of coloradoans said that the war on drugs is enough. we've had enough of this marijuana prohibition. we're tired of arresting citizens and it doesn't make sense. it's a large use of law enforcement resources. we decided to take this market away from cartels. move it behind the counter and tax and regulate it. we're talking about bringing in $60 million to our state every year. it's taking it away from the cartel and bringing the money to the state. there are a lot of reasons that it makes it a sensible reform.
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>> michael: you know that working with the federal government is part of that. none of these things will happen without some response from the federal government. you cosponsored this legislation, what are people who are on your team, let's say what are they doing now to accommodate what the federal government wants to do. i understand there is an understanding that the federal government is going to play a role here. >> absolutely. we really, along with the state government are taking positive steps towards the responsible regulation and responsible implementation of this law meaning strict standards to prevent out of state diversion prevent teen usage and prevent people from driving under the influence. our work is to establish strict rules around those measures, and to fund the regulators. this is overseen really by an army of regulators who will make sure that new businesses follow every rule just like an alcohol business would. we have to make sure we're
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selling only to people of age. if there is anyone stepping out of line, then there are strict standards, strict penalties. >> michael: brian vicente we'll finally get it right cosponsor of the measure that resulted in colorado which legalized colorado. chris moody. when we come back, we'll talk about faken franken fish. genetic engineering. >> nothing will happen if i eat this fish. >> it's go time.
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>> michael: in panama a company called aqua bounty technology is modifying salmon. it will be the first animal protein genetically altered approved for the world to eat. we have exclusive access to this place. let's see what jim found. >> deep in the rain forests of panama in a secret location behind pad locked gates barb wire fences and a rickety bridge. shades of jurassic park, this is a real life fresh water farm altering the genes not of dinosaurs but growing a new dna altered saltwater fish. the salmon that could be the first genetically altered
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protein approved for the world to eat landmark change for human. they're called franken fish. >> michael: yes, they want to harvest these eggs, ship them from all over the world keeps this business under lock and key. it's the most secure compound in panama to hide this. let's listen to more with jim who is there looking at the fish, and you can see the difference in the size. >> the big difference is visual. the small fish in the right hand is a natural size one-year-old atlantic salmon. the second most popular seafood in america. and it's big brother in the other hand is the same age but three times larger. >> made different by a single gene. >> but it makes it grow much faster than a normal atlantic salmon.
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>> michael: so i want to bring in "abc news" national correspondent jim, who was there in panama, who went behind the walls of franken fish stadium there, jim when you were down there, did you have a feeling this was some sort of quack operation or do you feel this is something that could potentially change the way we eat food? >> no, it's serious science michael. i, in fact the outsider who saw that but ate some of that fish as well so far. it tastes just like real salmon. this is a serious operation. it's been under development for now 20 years. they're just about to get approval to start selling this in the united states. it will change if accepted by the public, will be how we eat. the first animal protein the
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first meat that has been altered. we already eat corn and soybean. 85% of what we eat in this country has been genetically altered already. this is the first of the meat. >> michael: do they talk at all, do they talk about this or anyone from aqua bounty, what if a lot of these fish get out in the ocean. how will that change or contaminate the gene pool in the wild? >> well of course that's the concern of environmentalists is that it will some how they would get away. in fact, the reason why ron invited us at our behest to come look at his farm. he has a lab up in canada, which we saw and a farm down in panama. we went to both locations. the reason why he did that was to try to show that there was in his words no way. with so many redundancies that this fish could get in and mate with regular fish and some our spoil them.
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first of all, this fish genetically altered fish is sterile. up to 95% to 99%. yes, there is a 2% chance if it got in the water it could impregnate another wild fish. that was the first redundancy. secondly these fish are grown in fresh water far away from the ocean with no direct path to the ocean. according to the company they have--they showed us, re redundancy after redundancy the nets that would keep them from getting in the streams. it doesn't satisfy everybody but they do have those things. >> michael: this is a part of the story after this won't be told until this is more rampant.
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joining us is casen with greenpeace, and author of sustainable sushi, a guide to saving the ocean one bite at a time. you hear about saving the ocean you hear these things. what is your first reaction from green peace when you hear about a fish that is genetically modified and could change the way we eat. >> object terror. the idea that we're approaching fixing our food system this way is the heights of huberous. we should not alter nature. rather we should be building systems around what nature can provide. >> michael: the idea that they're doing that is one of the things that we think about. we think about the ways to get around fish in the oceans, and i think that sometimes--i don't know in this case, but sometimes the impetus is to get people to
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do things that are alternatives that help us from overfishing the world's oceans. >> absolutely. taking pressure off our ocean. there is good agriculture and then dubious, and i would put this in the latter category. >> michael: jim, you were there and you tasted the fish, maybe among the first people who have tasted it from this country. how did it taste, and let's take a look at you here taking a bite of franken fish. >> two days ago this was swimming around in the tank. >> reporter: if there was a difference in this dna-altered salmon. it's not in the flavor. >> same texture. >> i'm eating franken fish. >> please don't use that term. >> michael: so how did it taste? >> he wasn't happy about that. >> michael: no. >> well, the difference--the main difference you will see
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with one of these aqua fish is that it's like any farmed fish, it is white. it's not the orange color we're familiar with, with while fish. as the gentleman knows from greenpeace all farmed fish is white. in the last week or so before the fish is harvested for food they add a coloring in the feed to color the fish, and they'll do the same with this. it will look the same. the problem with this and any other gmo has been for many people that it's not labeled. it's not--at the store it will not say other than farm raised, it will not say genetically altered. you won't have a choice. that's really what gets under the skin of people who don't want this fish to come to market. that, in fact, is among the main
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points. there are no studies at this point which say that it's unsafe. now the problem with that, according to science to some scientists is that the only people who do the studies are the people who developing the fish. the places like green peace or food and water watch they're not doing the studies because they don't have the funding to do the studies. there are no critical studies of the fish. the fda does not test itself. it uses the company's studies. from that data decides whether or not it will be in the market. right now it is on the track to be on the market. >> michael: it seems like the access to the fish, casson is a problem with greenpeace. tell me about the gmos, how problematic is this labeling? >> this is an issue. really, if this salmon were to be approved and enter the market, it would really be a pandora's box or a pandora's tank in this particular
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situation. we're dealing with the first transgenetic food product hitting the market. after that where does it end? where do we go? is this a solution or are we creating a whole new set of problems for ourselves. as the gentleman said, if in panama, and if approved, and its raised elsewhere, we have a whole host of other escape issues. if it does, who knows. >> we kind of do know where it's going to go next. there have already been goats pigs that have had their genes altered, but there was not a market for it. it was too weird and they didn't do it. but if the fish happens and it works, they're going to go to these other things. there is also right now we're looking at doing the story on it gmo apples, which would be
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the real vegetable or fruit that you would eat raw that's been altered. that apple is being developed so it doesn't turn brown. if you're mcdonald's or another firm like that, you can put those in your little bags sliced up, and they'll stay not brown now, not use citric acid that changes the flavor. he's right gmo is the track unless some scientists start winning and stop this. >> michael: if the salmon thing happens, i want to know who is going to bake the franken bagel. jim avila national correspondent for "abc news." please bring us an update on all of this, come back to "the young turks" and share it with us. casson your restaurant is takai sushi bar your book is called "saveing one bite at a time."
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and when we come back, dennis rodman going to north korea. >> he loves power. he loves control. you know, because of dad. but he's a great guy. irene, drop the itch. we dropped the itch, you can too. maximum strength scalpicin® is not a shampoo so you can stop intense itch fast, wherever you are. i dropped the itch. drop the itch with scalpicin®.
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>> michael: so i have an entire gang of friends in los angeles ana kasparian and ben mankiewicz and jayar jackson to give us some stories. jayar, what have you got? >> we've been talking about dennis rodman and his trip to north korea to visit with kim jung-un. he spoke afterwards, and he had glowing things to say about the leader. he spoke with george stephanopoulos, and he had this to say. >> i love him. he was so honest. >> when you said you love kim and thinks he's awesome, were you aware of his threats to destroy the united states and
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his record on human rights. >> one thing about that. i didn't look at all that. i understand what he's doing. i don't condone that. i hate the fact that he's doing that. but that's a human being. obama could do one thing. call him. >> they spoke a lot, they watched a couple of exhibition games and they had a chance to really love this guy. >> right, i think he made a huge mistake getting involved in the politics of all this. i think he should have made it about basketball, and the documentary that they went to do. he's clearly ignorant about the facts around north korea. to praise him. >> we were talking about this prop began at a video that north korea put out and they took this image of hasn't up in flames.
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they said this is what is going to happen to the united states. isn't this so nice. then you have dennis rodman going over there i like him. >> but he's human being. >> i can't believe that a cast member from celebrity rehab failed in a diplomatic exercise. i'm shocked. i think the next plan is we should send tom sizemore to venezuela to see what chavez is really like. >> i think if we can find--it's easy to criticize him for what he did because of the glowing things that he had to say because he tortures his people. but if we should take a different angle rather than saying oh, i can't believe he did that, then move on. then ignore the atrocities that actually happened.
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we're just going to keep letting them do what they do. >> nothing got worse because of this. we're not suddenly closer--we're not on the brink of attack of south korea from north korea now. but i can't believe i'm going to reference celebrity rehab again. but dr. drew took a scan of his brain, and it is so horribly damaged by a lifetime of drinking. >> it's obvious. >> it's all very clear based on dennis rodman. >> way to make a doubter point on this somewhat lighthearted story. >> we can bring it back up. sketches has a new collection called "daddy's money," and it features a two-inch lift on the heel which i'm not familiar with. if it's tired or modern. >> that's low for me, but high for everybody else. >> let's check out the
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commercial because it ruffled some feathers. [♪ singing ♪] >> now there are some women's groups saying what is daddy's money, of course women don't make money. you have to go to daddy and for the rest of your life you're going to be looking for male figures to give you money rather than earn it on your own. >> that may be extreme but i get why they say daddy's money because daddy's girl. i could see why women bread winners of the family could be insulted because a lot of these are going to be my be daddy's
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sneakers with mommy's money. >> are these girls going to grow up for gold diggers? >> i think people spend too much time getting offended over things--who cares. that was the cheesiest shoe commercial. >> alienating people, and the upside might be selling the shoes. but gimme wicket, gimme kisses, and then just gimme. >> gimme mucho denero. i'm really looking forward to the day when i have a daughter that my daughter says gimme. believe me, i'm not responding to gimme mark my words. >> well, guys, thanks for all that. thanks for clarifying something that has been bothering us all day long with these daddy girl's
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sneakers. i'm going to put on a pair. and we'll talk about the trial everybody is talking about, the jodi arias trial. >> were you crying when you were shooting him? were you crying when you were stabbing him? >> i don't remember. >> how about when you cut his throat. were you crying then?
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he. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> michael: there is a trial that is gripping the nation right now, and it is the jodi arias. in 2008 travis alexander was brewbrutally murdered in his home. his throat was slit ear to ear. his ex-girlfriend is facing murder charges and the death penalty in this case. i have not followed this as carefully as i should have until
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today when i read this, but no one can utter ten words without one of them being jodi arias. here is cnn talking about it. arias changing her story. >> the first time she was questioned july 15, 2008 arias said she wasn't with alexander the day he died. this was before she knew investigators had pictures putting her at the crime scene. >> i was nowhere near mesa. i was nowhere near phoenix. >> reporter: then when they matched a bloody hand britain and then showed her the photos they found then there was a different story this time of a home invasion. >> i was really scared, really freaked out of my mind. >> okay, i don't believe you. >> reporter: two years later in 2010 yet another story. yes, she says, she did kill travis alexander but it was self defense. >> michael: so joining me now to talk about this is linda kenny
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baden. linda represented phil specker we have to go to this before. how was it meeting her. >> it was great. i hope i can do her justice. that's all i hope. >> michael: you have the same accent. so that will work. >> new jersey accept, great. >> michael: fantastic. linda, let's talk about this trial. why is it that a trial comes along every now and then that totally grips us? the earmarks are here for sex violence murder, mystery, but what is it about this trial or trials like this that just grip us as a country? >> well, not only is it a death penalty case, but adorable when you look at her, a young woman who first came on the screen had
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long blond hair. is she's mormon. he's mormon. and then there is sex sex, sex that you can't even talk about on television. it's that raise racy, it's 50 shades of mormonism. that was a joke. >> michael: i like that. we're going to talk about it on tv because you said we couldn't. here is cnn with a little more of that graphic television. >> arias soon converted to mormonism like her boyfriend and agreed to be baptized. on the day of her baptism she told the court alexander tied her up while they were both still wearing sacred garments and forced her to have anal sex. >> after this encounter on this special day how did you feel about yourself? >> i didn't feel very good. i kind of felt like an used piece of toilet paper. >> but on the couple's phone sex tapes played in court she seemed
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to be enjoying herself. >> michael: wow, so linda before they even got to the murder there were days and days of testimony like this, of things leading up to it. is that fair? should that have been allowed? >> here's the problem. it's a depth pent case. all of this is allowed in to save her life. that's all this case is about from a defense perspective trying to safe her life. the crime is violent. this is--this man was slaughter slaughtered only in a way that someone loves you or hates you there may be a thin line and there may be a little bit of both with 27 stab wounds and a bullet hole to the brain. >> michael: when you know she has admitted to doing this murder, do you go in the room and say i'm not here to keep you
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out of jail. i'm just here to save your life. >> yes, that's what you do. of course when she allegedly broke down on the stand or cracked by the prosecutor, she wasn't cracked. she has to show emotion. you better show emotion. that jury is going to send to you the death penalty if you don't show emotion. the longer the trial is, the more the jury gets to know the defendant. they may just think she's crazy and she thought she was in danger when she really wasn't, but they're not going to let her go in my opinion having tried a number of these type of cases. >> michael: this is not another casey anthony trial where we'll be watching television and totally surprised at the end. >> i wasn't surprised because i did the forensics. i don't think the prosecution is overreaching in this case. they may be overreaching for the death penalty but they are not
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overreaching for the first-degree murder because of the way this man was killed. you don't do this in a normal killing unless it's a rage reaction. >> michael: when you take a case like this from the beginning do you say this is what it is we'll keep you opposite the electric chair or do you say let's try to get our client off for this crime. >> you talk quickly to yourself and then to the client. you have to. that's all the case is about. >> michael: linda kenny baden expert opinion. we'll look for your portrayal by helen mirren about phil spector and we'll be back after this. rich, chewy caramel rolled up in smooth milk chocolate. don't forget about that payroll meeting.
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